Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders - Geometry Lesson Plan

Two Tips to Teach Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders

I have seen so many math teachers that destroy this lesson because they cannot draw the shapes that they are teaching. One of which was a college professor of mine. As a student this is distracting. Not only are they trying to learn the materials that you are teaching but they are also trying to figure out what the heck you are drawing on the board.

Here’s a tip…

If you can’t draw the shapes, then don’t! I know, great tip! Right?

Tip #1

Seriously though… There are so many methods to teach this. Why screw up your great lesson with poor drawings. You can bring in 3D shapes like cereal boxes, coffee cans, ect. Teach with them and then actually have them find the Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders. This gives you a real world example as well.

Nothing mind blowing there. Just a way to keep them focused on the lesson not the drawings.

Tip #2

Second thing you could do is use a projector, SmartBoard, iPads, or some other means of technology and download sample pictures. The bottom line is just don’t let your art abilities or lack there of be the reason your students struggle with this lesson.

You could even use a video like this one. He is a great teacher and the video has no free hand drawings. Then whip out the 3D shapes and have them get to work!

Below the video are a few free worksheets to help you along the way. If you want access to everything all year long just join the Geometry Teacher Community and throw those old textbooks in the trash!

Hope to see you inside! 🙂

Here is your free content for this lesson!

Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders PDFs

11-4 Assignment Student Edition – Volumes of Cylinders and Prisms ( FREE )

11-4 Assignment Teacher Edition – (Members Only)

11-4 Bell Work Student Edition – Volumes of Cylinders and Prisms ( FREE )

11-4 Bell Work Teacher Edition – (Members Only)

11-4 Lesson Plan – Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders (Members Only)

11-4 Guided Notes SE – Volumes of Cylinders and Prisms( FREE )

11-4 Guided Notes Teacher Edition – Volumes of Cylinders and Prisms (Members Only)

11-4 Class Activity – Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders ( Members Only )

11-4 Online Activities (Members Only)

11-4 Exit Quiz Student Edition – Volumes of Cylinders and Prisms ( FREE )

11-4 Exit Quiz Teacher Edition – (Members Only)

11-4 Slide Show – Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders ( FREE )

11-4 Video Lesson (Members Only)

Volumes of Prisms and Cylinders Word Docs & PowerPoints

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