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Nets and Drawings for Visualizing Geometry – Geometry Nets Project

For most Geometry Teachers, Geometry Nets and Drawings for Visualizing Geometry is the first lesson of every new school year. We want to make sure you start the year off right so we are going to give you some tips and other free resources to help you get the year started off with a great lesson!
I love to use real world objects when teaching this lesson. I show them examples of everyday things and have them cut them up into their nets. I use these Geometry Nets...
Cereal Boxes (Rectangular Prisms)
Quaker Oats Cans or Crisco Container (Cylinder: Usually made of cardboard)

Start with Deconstructing Geometry Nets

The reason I start with them deconstructing the shapes as apposed to constructing them is because I then have them do The Book of Nets Project. With this project they have to construct 51 different nets and find the Surface Area of all of them. They will need to have a grasp of irrational numbers to compute some of the more advanced shapes. There are 51 of them so you can pick and choose which to do based on their skill level.
I save these projects and then use them again when I do my lesson on Volume. I have them find the volume of the nets they created.

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Geometry Nets Worksheets - Docs & PowerPoints

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Geometry Nets PDFs

1-1 Assignment - Nets and Drawings for Visualizing Geometry ( FREE )

1-1 Bell Work - Nets and Drawings for Visualizing Geometry ( FREE )

1-1 Exit Quiz - Nets and Drawings for Visualizing Geometry ( FREE )

1-1 Guide Notes Student Edition - Nets and Drawings for Visualizing Geometry ( FREE )

1-1 Guided Notes Teachers Edition (Members Only)

1-1 Online Activities (Members Only)

1-1 Slide Show - Nets and Drawings for Visualizing Geometry (FREE)

1-1 Video Lesson (Members Only)

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